Because COVID-19 is a respiratory disease spread between people who are in close contact (1.8m or less) with one another, apartment buildings and other shared living spaces pose the potential risk of an infected resident spreading the virus to other residents — also known as community spread.
Whether you’re a landlord, owner occupier, committee or a building owner, here’s what you need to know about preparedness, communication and resident safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.
With 1 in 4 of the Victorian population already living in an Owners Corporation the chances are high that either you will have someone already in self-quarantine or who has tested positive for COVID-19 living in your complex. It is also likely that the virus and all our related concerns will be around for some months yet.
As our community moves to lockdown, our building occupancy will be at capacity. Our buildings include all age groups, and everyone will be home for some weeks. During this time, we need to be tolerant, considerate of others and kind to each other.
Besides increasing hygiene measures and having a building-wide plan in place, it is critical to consider suspending social gatherings, such as meet and greets, apartment complex meetings, or other activities in the building that require people to gather.
Copies of the Department of Health’s advertisements for stopping the spread of the virus can be found here. These can be printed and put up in common areas around the property.
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